
As an app developer, I make apps.

Ducky Model Editor

Ducky Model Editor

Ducky is a document-based app that helps you infer models from JSON to save your time.

  • It can infer JSON Schema, Swift, Kotlin, Dart (Null Safety), Go or Proto models.
  • It provides many options for you to customize the model.

I think it will save you some time to build the model layer of your application.

For more information, see Introducing Ducky.

Anycode: Code Snippet to Image


Anycode is a document-based app that helps you manage your code snippets.

  • Supports syntax highlighting for Bash, C, C++, C#, Clojure, Dart, Go, Java, JavaScript, JSON, Kotlin, Objective-C, Python, Ruby, Rust, Scheme, SQL, Swift and TypeScript.
  • Generate beautiful formatted images to share.
  • Export as PDF.

HandTalk: Game of Go


Play Game of Go with your friends in iMessage.

  • Select the lines of board to start a new game.
  • Play your move with touches.
  • When you receive a HandTalk message, tap it to response.